Academic Credit System

In 2018-2019 academic year, Academic Credit System has been applied. Thus, every student must know this system vividly. Academic credit system is the standard measuring system to evaluate the effort of each student from undergraduate, postgraduate, master degree and PhD during the course period. The following is the explanation of the calculation of University credit Grades and GPA.

ACU-Academic Credit Unit

  • 1-ACU : 1 Lecture hours for 14 weeks
  • 1-ACU : 2 hours (tutorial or Lab exercises or classroom discussion) for 14 weeks
  • 3-ACUs : 2 Lecture hours + (1+1) (tutorial or Lab exercises or classroom assignment hours for 14 weeks (for one subject)

Table.1. Overview of Academic Credit Units (ACUs) requirement

Year of study Core Subject (Total ACUs) Skill and Knowledge (Elective)   (Total ACUs) Supporting Skills (Elective) (Total ACUs) Technical (Elective) (Total ACUs) Total (ACUs)
1CST Sem1 14 2 16
Sem2 14 2 16
2CS Sem1 18 18
Sem2 15 3 18
2CT Sem1 18 18
Sem2 15 3 18
3CS Sem1 12 3 3 18
Sem2 15 3 18
3CT Sem1 12 3 3 18
Sem2 15 3 18
4CS Sem1 12 3 3 18
Sem2 6 3 9 18
4CT Sem1 12 3 3 18
Sem2 12 3 18
5CS Sem1 9 3 12
Intern 6 6
Total 121/127 6/6 16/16 15/9 158

According to the Grading System, students can get the credit points that suit the level of their effort.

For B.C.Sc./ B.C.Tech, the required grading points of the respective course can be shown in  Table.1. For example, a first year student needs to get 16 credit points for the first semester. A student needs to learn five courses for two credits or three credits per a course. One course needs to be learnt for supporting skills.

The grading system of University of Computer studies (Dawei) is as shown in Table 2, credit unit defined is shown in Table 3 and the calculations of GPA for a first year student can be seen in Table 4(a) and Table 4(b) as examples.

Table 2. Credit point parameters

Sr. No. Marks Grade Point Grade Letter
1 >90 4 A
2 85-89 3.75 A-
3 80-84 3.25 B+
4 75-79 3 B
5 70-74 2.75 B-
6 65-69 2.25 C+
7 60-64 2 C
8 55-59 1.75 C-
9 50-54 1 D
10 <50 0 F

Table 3. Credit unit defined for each subject in first year

No. Subject Lecture Time (hr)
1 Myanmar Language 2
2 English 4
3 Physics 4
4 Principle of IT 4
5 Mathematics of Computing 4
6 Supporting Skill 2

Table 4(a). Calculation of GPA for semester 1

No. Subject Marks gained Grade Letter Grade Score Credit Unit Grade Point
1 Myanmar 80 B+ 3.25 2 6.5
2 English 75 B 3 3 9
3 Physics 86 A- 3.75 3 11.25
4 Principle of IT 84 B+ 3.25 3 9.75
5 Mathematics of Computing 89 A- 3.75 3 11.25
6 Supporting Skill 79 B 3 2 6
Total 16 53.75
Cummulative GPA for Semester 1 3.36

Cumulative GPA=Total Grade point/ Total credit unit

Student’s cumulative GPA for Semester 1 = 3.36.

Overall GPA = ∑ Cumulative GPA for each semester / total semester

Table 4(b). Calculation of GPA for semester 2

No. Subject Marks gained Grade Letter Grade Score Credit Unit Grade Point
1 Myanmar 92 A 4 2 8
2 English 80 B+ 3.25 3 9.75
3 Physics 66 C+ 2.25 3 6.75
4 Principle of IT 78 B 3 3 9
5 Mathematics of Computing 85 A- 3.75 3 11.25
6 Supporting Skill 88 A- 3.75 2 7.5
Total 16 52.25
Cummulative GPA for Semester 2 3.27
Overall GPA 3.32

Student’s cumulative GPA for Semester 2 = 3.32.